Our most frequently asked questions

How can I place an order?

The quickest and easiest way to place an order is through email to [email protected]. We will send you our order confirmation with prices and all details to you.Orders can also be placed over the phone.

Do you sell direct to the public?

Sorry, no.
We are a manufacturer and wholesaler and deal with businesses only.

How long does it take for my order to be despatched?

For the items with stock,  they will be despatched within 48 hours.
If the items are made-to-order. It needs at least 6 weeks.

What methods of payment do you accept?

We accept Cheques, Direct Deposit into our account or Credit Card.  (Visa, Mastercard & Bankcard)
We do not accept Amex or Diners Club Cards.

Are prices inclusive of G.S.T?

No. All prices are G.S.T exclusive

Do you have a MOQ value?

What is your Privacy Policy?

We are committed to protecting and handling our customer's privacy with utmost confidentiality.
Your personal information will be treated seriously and respectfully.
Your details will never be given to any third party, or used outside of our organisation.